Lá Fhéile Padraig
We had a great day on Friday at our céilí and lá glas! We also learnt a leprechaun poem and did some shamrock art!
We had a great day on Friday at our céilí and lá glas! We also learnt a leprechaun poem and did some shamrock art!
Seachtain na Gaeilge atá ann agus táimid ag déanamh go leor ceachtanna trí Ghaeilge. Bhí na páistí ag imirt cluichí difriúla ag baint leis na téamaí difriúla. Bhain siad an-taitneamh as!
As part of world book day, we decided to focus on the author of Michael Rosen. We read the story of ‘we’re going on a bear hunt’, sequenced the story, discussed tricky words in the story and made bears and bear claws in art. We will also be making some musical instruments to go with the story 🙂
You may like to listen to this story at home 🙂
For the month of February through to March we are looking at the theme of the Farm. Check out our Aistear station!
We also learnt about the story of milk and sequenced the pattern in how milk is produced!
We’ve been learning ‘Elmer’s Internet Safety’ poem in school this week! You might also like to sing this song at home for the week that’s in it!
Happy internet safety week 🙂
For the month of January, we will be looking at the theme of weather & water!
Check out our Aistear stations for this month 🙂
Homework practice 🙂
Can’t wait to see what you draw as your favourite part of the story for homework 🙂
See attached the actions for each of the individual sounds from group 4 & 5!
You might like to practise this at home 🙂
Last Friday we had great fun in junior infants wearing our PJs to school and making little chocolate reindeer with 6th class!
Check out some of our photos 🙂
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